FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Write Environment Command Dictionary
The following listing shows the contents of an example Write Environment
Abort Limit = (backtrack=30, cycle=300, time=300 seconds)
ATPG Limit = (cpu_seconds=off, cycle_count=off,
Capture Clock (ATPG) = none
Capture Limit = off
Checkpoint = off
Checkpoint File = NULL
Clock Restriction = on
Contention Check = (bus=(0,noatpg,warning), port=off)
Dofile Abort = on
Fault Mode = uncollapsed
Fault Sampling = 100%
Fault Type = stuck_at
Gate Level = design
Gate Report = normal
Hypertrophic Limit = 30%
Iddq Checks = none, noatpg, warning
Iddq Strobe = label
Identification Model = (clock=original, disturb=on)
Internal Faults = on
Internal Name = off
List File = list1
Logfile Handling =
Loop Handling = hold
Net Dominance = wire
Net Resolution = wire
Nonscan Model = drc
Output Comparison = off
Output Mask = off
Pattern Source = internal
Pin Constraints (default) = type NR, period 1, offset 0
Pin Strobes (default) = 0
Possible Credit = 50%
Pulse Generators = on
Race Value = old
Random ATPG = on
Rundundancy Identification = on
Scan Identification = automatic Onternal Full backtrack=30
cycle=16 time=100
Screen Display = on