Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Schematic Display Command Dictionary
Set Schematic Display
Tools Supported: DFTInsight, FastScan, and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
Prerequisites: You can use the -Compact, -NOCompact, -Hide, and -Dspace
arguments only after the tool flattens the design to the simulation model, which
happens when you first attempt to exit Setup mode or when you issue the
Flatten Model command.
SET SCHematic Display -File filename | {-Compact | -NOCompact} | {-Query
threshold | -NOQuery} | -Hide type | -Dspace {AUTO | number}...
DFTInsight Menu Path:
Setup > Preferences
Changes the default schematic display environment settings for DFTInsight.
The Set Schematic Display command only affects the environment and not the
contents of the DFTInsight display. This command is optional when running
DFTInsight because there are invocation defaults for all the settings. However, if
you issue this command to change any of the defaults, you must specify at least
one of the arguments.
If you have DFTInsight invoked, it automatically updates the contents of the
schematic viewing window when you change the settings. If you do not have
DFTInsight invoked, it uses the new settings when you do invoke the application.
-File filename
A switch and string pair that changes the file location where the tool places,
and where DFTInsight looks for, the display netlist. The default location upon
invocation of DFTInsight is $MGC_HOME/tmp/dfti.<process#>/
If you leave the netlist at the default location, DFTInsight automatically deletes
it when exiting the session. If you change the netlist location with the -File
switch, the netlist remains persistent at the location you gave.