Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Macrotest
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
An optional literal that turns off the default verbose output. When using this
option, the tool may leave out important warning and informative messages.
An optional literal that specifies that {L,H} represent {LO,HI} output values
in the patterns file. An error is issued if a 0 or 1 output value is specified. This
is the default.
An optional literal that specifies that {0,1} will be used to specify {LO,HI}
output values in the patterns file, rather than the default {L,H}. If the default
{L,H} is used, checking is done to ensure that the pin direction matches
(output pin for L,H; input pin for 0,1). If the option -NO_L_h is issued, no such
checking is possible.
-MAX_Orderings d
An optional literal that sets the number of orderings d tried before accepting
that less than all outputs will be observed in random runs. For multiple macro
runs used with -Det_observe, it is the number of macro orderings tried before
removing a macro from the list to test. The initial value of the integer d is equal
to 5 upon invocation of FastScan.
An optional literal that specifies that a set of observation paths should be
preselected and used for every pattern created. This is the default. If the
preselected observation is inconsistent with some pattern in the pattern file,
macrotest issues a message and terminates test creation.
An optional switch that allows macrotest to create an observation path for each
test, randomly attempting to find a path for each output, for each test created. If
one path (attempt) is unsuccessful, another random path (attempt) is made,
until either the output is observed, or max_path_attempts is exceeded. If the
limit is exceeded without success, then the macro output pin whose
observation is being attempted is not observed for that pattern. Each output is
tried in succession. If any output is not observed after reaching the maximum