2. If <MST> = 0 (Slave mode)
In the slave mode the TMP92CM22 operates either in normal slave mode or in
slave mode after losing arbitration.
In the slave mode, an INTSBE0 interrupt request generate when the
TMP92CM22 receives a slave address or a GENERAL CALL from the master
device, or when a GENERAL CALL is received and data transfer is completed, or
after matching received address. In the master mode, the TMP92CM22 operates
in a slave mode if it losing arbitration. An INTSBE0 interrupt request is
generated when a word data transfer terminates after losing arbitration. When an
INTSBE0 interrupt request is generated the <PIN> is cleared to “0” and the SCL
pin is pulled down to the low level. Either reading/writing from/to the SBI0DBR or
setting the <PIN> to “1” will release the SCL pin after taking t
Check the SBI0SR<AL>, <TRX>, <AAS>, and <AD0> and implements
processes according to conditions listed in the next table.
Table 3.10.1 Operation in the Slave Mode
<TRX> <AL> <AAS> <AD0> Conditions Process
1 1 0 The TMP92CM22 detects arbitration lost
when transmitting a slave address, and
receives a slave address for which the
value of the direction bit sent from
another master is “1”.
1 0 In salve receiver mode, the
TMP92CM22 receives a slave address
for which the value of the direction bit
sent from the master is “1”.
Set the number of bits of single word to
<BC2:0>, and write the transmit data to
0 0 In salve transmitter mode, transmission of
data of single word is terminated.
Check the <LRB>, If <LRB> is set to “1”,
set <PIN> to “1”, reset “0” to <TRX> and
release the bus for the receiver no
request next data. If <LRB> was cleared
to “0”, set bit number of single word to
<BC2:0> and write the transmit data to
SBI0DBR for the receiver requests next
1 1/0 The TMP92CM22 detects arbitration lost
when transmitting a slave address, and
receives a slave address or GENERAL
CALL for which the value of the direction
bit sent from another master is “0”.
0 0 The TMP92CM22 detects arbitration lost
when transmitting a slave address or
data, and transfer of word terminates.
1 1/0 In slave receiver mode the TMP92CM22
receives a slave address or GENERAL
CALL for which the value of the direction
bit sent from the master is “0”.
Read the SBI0DBR for setting the <PIN>
to “1” (Reading dummy data) or set the
<PIN> to “1”.
0 1/0 In slave receiver mode the TMP92CM22
terminates receiving word data.
Set bit number of single word to
<BC2:0>, and read the receiving data
from SBI0DBR.