1. Convert the analog input voltage on the AN3 pin and write the result, to memory
address 0800H using the AD interrupt (INTAD) processing routine.
Setting of main routine
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INTE0AD ← X 1 0 0 −
Enable INTAD and set it to interrupt level 4.
ADMOD1 ← 1 1 000011 Set pin AN3 to the analog input channel.
ADMOD0 ← X X 000001 Start conversion in channel fixed single conversion
Interrupt routine processing example
WA ← ADREG3 Read value of ADREG3L, ADREG3H to general
purpose register WA (16 bits).
WA > > 6 Shift contents read into WA six times to right and zero-fill
upper bits.
(0800H) ← WA Write contents of WA to memory address 0800H.
2. Converts repeatedly the analog input voltages on the three pins AN0, AN1, and
AN2, using channel scan repeat conversion mode.
INTE0AD ← X 0 0 0 −
Disable INTAD.
ADMOD1 ← 1 1 000010 Set pins AN0 to AN2 to be the analog input channels.
ADMOD0 ← X X 000111 Start conversion in channel scan repeat conversion
X : Don’t care, − : No change