Routing Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
no ip icmp echo-reply
Use this command to prevent the generation of ICMP Echo Reply messages by the router.
Format no ip icmp echo-reply
ip icmp error-interval
Use this command to limit the rate at which IPv4 ICMP error messages are sent. The rate
limit is configured as a token bucket, with two configurable parameters, burst-size and
The burst-interval specifies how often the token bucket is initialized with burst-size tokens.
burst-interval is from 0 to 2147483647 milliseconds (msec).
The burst-size is the number of ICMP error messages that can be sent during one
burst-interval. The range is from 1 to 200 messages.
To disable ICMP rate limiting, set burst-interval to zero (0).
• burst-interval of 1000 msec.
• burst-size of 100 messages
Format ip icmp error-interval <burst-interval> [<burst-size>]
no ip icmp error-interval
Use the no form of the command to return burst-interval and burst-size to their default values.
Format no ip icmp error-interval
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config