Utility Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
the DTP packets on the interface. Use blockudld to filter the UDLD packets on the interface.
blockpagp to filter the PAGP packets on the interface. Use blocksstp to filter the SSTP
packets on the interface.
Format llpf {blockisdp | blockvtp | blockdtp | blockudld | blockpagp
| blocksstp | blockall }
no llpf
Use this command to unblock LLPF protocol(s) on a port.
show llpf interface all
Use this command to display the status of LLPF rules configured on a particular port or on all
Format show llpf interface [all | unit/slot/port]
RMON Stats and History Commands
The various MIBs within RFC 2819, 3273, and 3434 are arranged into groups. The managed
switch supports some of the groups in these RFCs but not all. The managed switch complies
with MODULE-COMPLIANCE and OBJECT-GROUP definitions within these RFCs for
supporting individual groups.
The managed switch supports the following groups:
Interface Config
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
Block ISDP
Shows whether the port blocks ISDP PDUs.
Block VTP
Shows whether the port blocks VTP PDUs.
Block DTP
Shows whether the port blocks DTP PDUs.
Block UDLD
Shows whether the port blocks UDLD PDUs.
Block PAGP
Shows whether the port blocks PAGP PDUs.
Block SSTP
Shows whether the port blocks SSTP PDUs.
Block All
Shows whether the port blocks all proprietary PDUs available for the LLDP feature.