Nortel Networks 8000 Series Switch User Manual

IPX Commands
208967-B 6-3
4. Create an IPX network interface with the specified VLAN ID and
encapsulation method.
config vlan <vid> ipx create <IPX-network-number>
vid is the VLAN created in step 1.
encapsulation is ethernet-ii, snap, llc, or raw.
5. Globally enable IPX routing on all IPX interfaces:
config ipx forwarding enable
The config ipx commands use the following syntax and parameters:
Note: The encapsulation method must be the same as the protocol selected in
step 1.
config ipx
followed by:
info Displays the switch IPX configuration.
forwarding info Indicates whether IPX is enabled or disabled on
the switch and lists the IPX networks that are
enabled or disabled.
forwarding disable
Disables IPX forwarding globally or on the
specified IPX network.
forwarding enable
Enables IPX forwarding globally or on the
specified IPX network. Page3 Wednesday,April19, 2000 3:14PM