1 - 22 February 2002 © TOSHIBA TEC
318 Transfer bias
Normal paper
Y 59 0~255 The bias value of the transfer roller is 1
319 output adjust- mode / Thin M 59 0~255 set. The higher the value, the larger the 1
320 ment paper mode C 59 0~255 transformer output becomes. The adjust- 1
321 (Full color) K 59 0~255 ment value becomes effective only when 1
Thick paper
1 Y 59 0~255 the setting mode (08-400,401,409)is 0 1
327 mode M 59 0~255 (disabled). 1
328 C 59 0~255 1
329 K 59 0~255 1
330 OHP mode Y 59 0~255 1
331 M 99 0~255 1
332 C 109 0~255 1
333 K 139 0~255 1
334 Thick paper 2 Y 69 0~255 1
335 mode M 69 0~255 1
336 C 69 0~255 1
337 K 69 0~255 1
356-0 Transfer bias
Normal paper
Y 4 0~8 The offset value of the transfer bias is 4
356-1 offset adjust- mode / Thin M 4 0~8 set. 4
356-2 ment paper mode C 4 0~8 0: -400V 1: -300V 2: -200V 4
356-3 K 4 0~8 3: -100V 4: 0V 5: +100V 4
Thick paper
1 Y 4 0~8 6: +200V 7: +300V 8: +400V 4
357-1 mode M 4 0~8 4
357-2 C 4 0~8 4
357-3 K 4 0~8 4
358-0 Thick paper 2 Y 4 0~8 4
358-1 mode M 4 0~8 4
358-2 C 4 0~8 4
358-3 K 4 0~8 4
359-0 Thick paper 3 Y 4 0~8 4
359-1 mode M 4 0~8 4
359-2 C 4 0~8 4
359-3 K 4 0~8 4
360-0 OHP mode Y 4 0~8 4
360-1 M 4 0~8 4
360-2 C 4 0~8 4
360-3 K 4 0~8 4
Adjustment mode (05)
Code Description/Mode
table Contents