C H A P T E R 6 Configuring Ports
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt}
Displays the port configuration.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} info
Displays detailed system-related information.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} packet Displays a histogram of packet statistics.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} qosmonitor Displays real-time QoS statistics. For more
information, refer to "Quality of Service (QoS)"
on page 135.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} Rxerrors Displays real-time receive error statistics. For
more information on error statistics, refer to
"Status Monitoring and Statistics" on page 403.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} stats Displays real-time port statistics.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} txerrors Displays real-time transmit error statistics.
show ports {<portlist> | mgmt} utilization Displays real-time port utilization information.
Use the Spacebar to toggle between packet,
byte, and bandwidth utilization information.
unconfigure ports {<portlist> | mgmt }
display-string <string>
Clears the user-defined display string from a
enable red port <portnumber> Enables RED on a port.
configure red drop-probability <percent> Configures the RED drop-probability. The
percentage range is 0 - 100.
disable red ports Disables RED on one or all ports.
Table 6.1: Port Commands (continued)
Command Description