C H A P T E R 10 Quality of Service (QoS)
File Server Applications
File serving typically poses the greatest demand on bandwidth,
although file server applications are tolerant of latency, jitter, and
some packet loss, depending on the network operating system and
the use of TCP or UDP.
Building Blocks
The service that a particular type of traffic or traffic grouping
receives is determined by assigning that traffic to a QoS profile. A
QoS profile is characterized by minimum and maximum bandwidth
and prioritization settings that define a desired class of service.
Assigning QoS Attributes
To assign QoS attributes you must define three interrelated QoS
building blocks in three steps:
1. Define a QoS profile.
QoS profile—A class of service that is defined through
minimum and maximum bandwidth parameters, configuration of
buffering and RED, and prioritization settings. The bandwidth
and level of service that a particular type of traffic or traffic
grouping receives is determined by assigning it to a QoS profile.
Table 10.1: Traffic Type and QoS Guidelines
Traffic Type Key QoS Parameters
Vo i c e Minimum bandwidth, priority
Video Minimum bandwidth, priority, buffering (varies)
Database Minimum bandwidth
Web browsing Minimum bandwidth for critical applications, maximum bandwidth
for non-critical applications, RED
File server Minimum bandwidth