C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
IP Multinetting Operation
Multinetted VLAN groups
must contain identical port
To use IP multinetting, follow these steps:
1. Select a port where you want IP multinetting to run, for example,
port 2.
2. Remove the port from the default VLAN, using this command:
configure default delete port 2
3. Create a dummy protocol using this command:
create protocol mnet
4. Create the multinetted subnets using these commands:
create vlan net21
create vlan net22
5. Assign IP addresses to the net VLANs using these commands:
configure net21 ipaddress
configure net22 ipaddress
6. Assign one of the subnets to the IP protocol using this command:
configure net21 protocol ip
7. Assign the other subnets to the dummy protocol using this com-
configure net22 protocol mnet
8. Assign the subnets to a physical port using these commands:
configure net21 add port 2
configure net22 add port 2
9. Enable IP forwarding on the subnets using this command:
enable ipforwarding
10. Enable IP multinetting using this command:
enable multinetting
11. If you are using RIP, disable RIP on the dummy VLANs using
this command:
configure rip delete net22