NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
disable slb node <ipaddress>:{<L4Port> | all}
Disables L4 port checking.
disable slb node <ipaddress> ping-check Disables L3 pinging.
disable slb vip [<vipname> | all] client-
Disables client-persistence.
disable slb vip [<vipname> | all] close-
Disables one or all VIP groups. All existing
connections are immediately closed.
disable slb vip [<vipname> | all] service-check Disables L7 service checking.
disable slb vip [<vipname> | all] sticky-
Disables sticky persistence.
disable slb vip [<vipname> | all] svcdown-reset Disables svcdown-reset.
enable slb failover Enables the SLB failover mechanism. The
default setting is disabled.
enable slb failover manual-failback Enables manual failback.
enable slb failover ping-check Enables ping-checking to an external
gateway. The default setting is disabled.
enable slb global synguard Enables the TCP SYN-guard feature. The
SYN-guard feature minimizes the effect of
the TCP-open type of denial-of-service
attack by keeping track of all the half-open
connections. When the number of half-open
connections exceeds the
num_syns value,
the half-open connections are fast-aged out.
enable slb node <ipaddress> ping-check Enables L3 pinging to the node address.
Ping-check is automatically enabled when a
node is added to a pool.
enable slb node <ipaddress>:<L4Port> tcp-
Enables L4 port-check to the node address.
Table 18.4: Advanced SLB Commands
Command Description