C H A P T E R 7 Virtual LANs (VLANs)
Typ es o f V LAN s
You can create VLANs based on these criteria:
• Physical port
• 802.1Q tag
• Ethernet, Logical Link Control Service Advertising Protocol
(LLC SAP), or Logical Link Control
Subnetwork Access
Protocol (
LLC/SNAP) Ethernet protocol type
• MAC address
• A combination of these criteria
Port-Based VLANs
In a port-based VLAN, a VLAN name is given to a group of one or
more ports on the switch. A port can be a member of only one port-
based VLAN.
For example, on the switch in Figure 7.1:
• Ports 1 through 4 are part of VLAN Marketing
• Ports 9 through 12 are part of VLAN Sales
• Ports 5 through 8 and 15 and 16 are in VLAN Finance.
Figure 7.1: Example of a port-based VLAN on the Intel
480T routing switch
For the members of the different IP VLANs to communicate, the
traffic must be routed by the switch, even if they are physically part
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