Intel 480T Switch User Manual

C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
configure net35 protocol mnet
configure net37 protocol mnet
config net34 add port 5
config net35 add port 5
config net37 add port 5
configure default delete port 8,9,10
create vlan net36
create vlan net45
configure net36 ipaddress
configure net45 ipaddress
configure net36 protocol ip
configure net45 protocol mnet
configure net36 add port 8,9,10
configure net45 add port 8,9,10
configure rip add vlan net34
configure rip add vlan net36
enable ipforwarding
enable multinetting
enable rip
Configuring IP Unicast Routing
IGMP and IGMP snooping
must be enabled when
unicast IP routing or
multicast routing is
configured (the default
setting is enabled for both
This section describes the commands associated with configuring
IP unicast routing on the 480T routing switch. To configure the
1. Create and configure two or more VLANs (as described in the
previous examples).
2. Assign an IP address to each VLAN that is using routing:
configure vlan <name> ipaddress <ipaddress>
Ensure that each VLAN has a unique IP address.
Default routes are used
when the router has no
other dynamic or static
route to the requested
3. Configure a default route, using this command:
configure iproute add default <gateway>
4. Turn on IP routing for one or all VLANs, using this command:
enable ipforwarding {vlan <name>}