C H A P T E R 1 Overview
Table 1.4 describes the specifications for the 1000B-LH interface.
Optical Output Power
The minimum cable
length without a 10 dB
attenuator is 32
The transmitter output power level for the 1000-LH is +5dBm. The
maximum allowable receiver input power level is -3dBm. Therefore,
there is a minimum of 8dB loss required for the link to operate
without errors. You can achieve this minimum required loss using a
fiber length of 32km (0.25dB/km provides 8dB loss), or by adding
10dB of fixed optical attenuator at the receiver end.
Table 1.4: 1000LH Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Optical Output Power 0 dBm 3 dBm 5 dBm
Center Wavelength 1540 nm 1550 nm 1560 nm
Optical Input Power Sensitivity -20 dBm
Optical Input Power Maximum -3d Bm
Operating Wavelength 1200nm 1560 nm