NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
DiffServ Example
In this example, we use DiffServ to signal a class of service
throughput and assign any traffic coming from network 10.1.2.x
with a specific DiffServ code point. This allows all other network
switches to send and observe the Diffserv code point instead of
repeating the same QoS policy on every network switch.
Configure the switch that handles incoming traffic from network
10.1.2.x as follows:
1. Configure parameters of the QoS profile Qp3:
configure qp3 min 10 max 100
2. Assign a traffic grouping for traffic from network 10.1.2.x to
create access-list TenOneTwo
configure TenOneTwo permit qp3
3. To enable the switch to overwrite the DiffServ code point:
enable dot1p replacement ports all
enable diffserv replacement ports all
4. Configure the switch so that other switches can signal the class of
service that this switch should observe:
enable diffserv examination ports all
Table 10.3 indicates that Qp3 is tied to hardware queue Q2. When
replacement is enabled all traffic sent out Q2 will contain code point
value 16 (according to Table 10.10). If this is the desired code point
to use, all traffic from 10.1.2.x is sent out Qp3 (at 10% minimum
and 100% maximum) with a code point value of 16.
Physical and Logical Groupings
Two traffic groupings exist in this category:
• Source port
Source Port
A source port traffic grouping implies that any traffic sourced from
this physical port uses the indicated QoS profile when the traffic is