NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
• Community strings—Allows a simple method of authentication
between the 480T routing switch and the remote Network
Manager. There are two types of community strings on the switch.
Read community strings provide read-only access to the switch.
The default read-only community string is
public. Read-write
community strings provide read and write access to the switch.
The default read-write community string is
private. A total of
eight community strings can be configured on the switch. The
community string for all authorized trap receivers must be
configured on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-
generated traps. SNMP community strings can contain up to 127
• System contact (optional)—A text field where you can enter the
name of the person(s) responsible for managing the switch.
• System name—The name you have assigned to this switch. The
default name is
• System location (optional)—Use this to enter an optional
location for this switch.
Table 5.8 describes SNMP configuration commands. Press the Tab
key in the command line interface for more command options.
Table 5.8: SNMP Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure snmp access-profile readonly
[<access_profile> | none]
Assigns an access profile that limits which
stations have read-only access to the switch.
configure snmp access-profile readwrite
[<access_profile> | none]
Assigns an access profile that limits which
stations have read-write access to the switch.
configure snmp add trapreceiver <ipaddress>
community <string>
Adds the IP address of a specified trap
receiver. The IP address can be a unicast,
multicast, or broadcast address. A maximum
of 16 trap receivers is allowed.