C H A P T E R 14 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
configure bgp delete network [<ipaddress> |
<mask> | all]
Deletes a network originated from this router.
configure bgp as-number <as_number> Changes the local AS number used by BGP.
You must disable BGP before the AS number
can be changed.
configure bgp cluster-id <cluster_id> Appends a BGP route reflector cluster-ID to
the cluster list of a route. Used when multiple
router reflectors are used within the same
cluster of clients. You must disable BGP
before configuring the cluster ID.
configure bgp confederation-id
Changes the confederation ID.
configure bgp delete aggregate-address
[<ipaddress/masklength> | all]
Deletes one or all aggregate routes.
configure bgp local-preference
Changes the default local-preference
attribute. The range is 0 to 4,294,967,295.
The default value is 100.
configure bgp med [<number> | none] Configures the BGP multi-existence
configure bgp neighbor [<ipaddress> | all]
[route-reflector-client | no-route-reflector-
Configures a BGP neighbor as a route-
reflector client. Implicitly defines the router
as a route reflector. The neighbor must be in
the same AS as the router.
configure bgp neighbor [<ipaddress> | all]
[send-community | dont-send-community]
Configures whether communities should be
sent to neighbors as part of the route updates.
These settings apply to the peer group and all
neighbors of the peer group.
configure bgp neighbor [<ipaddress> | all] [no
-next-hop-self | next-hop-self]
Configures whether the next hop address used
in the updates should be the address of the
BGP connection originating it. These settings
apply to the peer group and all neighbors of
the peer group.
Table 14.1: BGP Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description