NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
Below the task buttons are options. Options are specific to the task
button that you select. When you select an option, the information
displayed in the content frame changes.
However, when you select a new task button, the content frame does
not change until you select a new option.
Content Frame
When you submit a
configuration page with no
change an asterisk (*) will
appear at the CLI prompt,
even though actual
configuration values have
not changed.
The content frame contains the main body of information in Web
Device Manager. For example, if you select an option from the
Configuration task button, enter configuration parameters in the
content frame. If you select the Statistics task button, statistics are
displayed in the content frame.
Browser Controls
Browser controls include drop-down list boxes, check boxes, and
multi-select list boxes. A multi-select list box has a scrollbar on the
right side of the box. Using a multi-select list box, you can select a
single item, all items, a set of contiguous items, or multiple non-
contiguous items. Table 4.1 describes how to make selections from
a multi-select list box.
Table 4.1: Multi-Select List Box Key Definitions
Selection Type Key Sequence
Single item Click the item using the mouse.
All items or
contiguous items
Click the first item, and drag to the last
Contiguous items Click the first item, hold down the Shift
key, and click the last desired item.
Selected non-
contiguous items
Hold down Ctrl, click the first desired
item, click the next desired item, etc.