NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
disable bgp aggregation Disables BGP route-aggregation filtering.
disable bgp always-compare-med Disables BGP use of the Multi-Exit
Discriminator (MED) from neighbors in
different autonomous systems in the route-
selection algorithm. MED is only used when
comparing paths from the same AS. The
default setting is enabled.
disable bgp export [ospf | ospf-intra | ospf-
inter | ospf-extern1 | ospf-extern2] {route
Disables BGP from export OSPF-related
routes to BGP peers.
disable bgp neighbor [<ipaddress> | all] {soft-
Disables the soft recognition feature.
Disabling the soft recognition feature can
potentially limit the amount of system
memory consumed by the Routing
Information Base In (RIB-in).
disable bgp peer-group <peer group> {soft-
Disables the soft recognition feature of a peer
group and all the neighbors of a peer group.
disable bgp synchronization Disables the synchronization between BGP
and IGP. Default is enabled.
enable bgp Enables BGP.
enable bgp aggregation Enables BGP route-aggregation filtering.
enable bgp always-compare-med Enables BGP to use the MED from neighbors
in different autonomous systems in the route-
selection algorithm. MED is used only when
comparing paths from the same AS. The
default setting is enabled.
enable bgp neighbor [<ipaddress> | all] {soft-
Enables the BGP session. You must create the
neighbor before the BGP session can be
Table 14.1: BGP Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description