C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
Router Interfaces
The routing software and hardware move IP traffic between router
interfaces. A router interface is simply a VLAN that has an IP
address assigned to it.
As you create VLANs with IP addresses belonging to different IP
subnets, you can also choose to route between the VLANs. Both the
VLAN switching and IP routing function occur within the 480T
routing switch. Each IP address and mask assigned to a VLAN must
represent a unique IP subnet.
You cannot configure the
same IP address and
subnet on different VLANs.
In Figure 12.1, a 480T routing switch is depicted with two VLANs
defined, Finance and Personnel:
• Ports 1 and 3 are assigned to Finance.
• Ports 2 and 4 are assigned to
Finance belongs to the IP network
• The router interface for
Finance is assigned the IP address
Personnel belongs to the IP network; its router
interface is assigned IP address
• Traffic within each VLAN is switched using the Ethernet MAC
• Traffic between the two VLANs is routed using the IP addresses.
Figure 12.1: Routing between VLANs