Chapter 13: KX II Local Console
Scanning Ports - Local Console
The KX II scanning feature is supported by the Local Console.
The targets that are found during the scan are displayed on the Scan
page one at a time, which is different from the Remote Console port slide
Each target is displayed on the page for 10 seconds by default, allowing
you to view the target and connect to it.
Use the Local Port ConnectKey sequence to connect to a target when it
is displayed and the DisconnectKey sequence to disconnect from the
To scan for targets:
1. From the Local Console, click the Set Scan tab on the Port Access
2. Select the targets you want to include in the scan by selecting the
checkbox to the left of each target, or select the checkbox at the top
of the target column to select all targets.
3. Leave the Up Only checkbox selected if you only want targets that
are up to be included in the scan. Deselect this checkbox if you want
to include all targets, whether up or down.
4. Click Scan to begin the scan. A Port Scan window opens. As each
target is found, it is displayed in the window.
5. Connect to a target when it is displayed by using the ConnectKey
6. Click Stop Scan to stop the scan.