
Appendix E: Informational Notes
Changing a USB Profile when Using a Smart Card Reader
There may be certain circumstances under which you will need to
change the USB profile for a target server. For example, you may need
to change the connection speed to "Use Full Speed for Virtual Media
CIM" when the target has problems with the "High Speed USB"
connection speed.
When a profile is changed, you may receive a New Hardware Detected
message and be required to log in to the target with administrative
privileges to reinstall the USB driver. This is only likely to occur the first
few times the target sees the new settings for the USB device. Afterward,
the target will select the driver correctly.
Keyboard Notes
Non-US Keyboards
French Keyboard
Caret Symbol (Linux
Clients Only)
The Virtual KVM Client (VKC) and the Multi-Platform Client (MPC) do
not process the key combination of Alt Gr + 9 as the caret symbol (^)
when using French keyboards with Linux
To obtain the caret symbol:
From a French keyboard, press the ^ key (to the right of the P key), then
immediately press the space bar.
Alternatively, create a macro consisting of the following commands:
1. Press Right Alt
2. Press 9.
3. Release 9.
4. Release Right Alt.