Section 2 — Control Panel Descriptions
The • (dot) button is used to represent the next unlocked empty
register when used with the LRN and PUT buttons. The next
unlocked empty register is defined as the next register that is
unlocked and empty on all levels, not just enabled levels. The
search for an unlocked empty register starts at the Current
Register and proceeds to register 99, then wraps around to register
0 and continues.
LRN • learns the enabled levels of the Current Switcher State
into the next unlocked empty register, and that register
becomes the Current Register. This initiates the register as a
single-keyframe effect.
PUT • ENTER copies the enabled levels of the Current Register
into the next unlocked empty register. If multiple keyframes
are contained in the enabled levels of the Current Register,
they are copied into the new register. The Current Switcher
State and the Current Register are not affected by this
If there are no unlocked empty registers, the operation will not
be done, an error beep will sound, and the keypad readout will show “NO
GET • ENTER clears out all levels of the Current Register, which
makes it an empty register. The Current Switcher State is not
The • function is also used to separate seconds, frames, and field
parameters in time entry commands such as GO TO TIME and KF
UNDO is used to back out of a Recall, Learn, Put, Get, or another
Undo register operation. The UNDO button lights when pressed,
confirming that it has been pressed. An Undo must be done
immediately after an undesired operation, otherwise it may not be
able to undo the operation.