Tektronix 3000 Switch User Manual

Master Effects Memory (E-MEM) Subpanel
This condition would occur if (with AUTO RCL off) you enabled
one level, recalled a register, turned off that enable, turned on
another enable, recalled another register, and re-enabled the first
level. In this situation, the locations of the contributing registers
can be determined by turning on one enable at a time.
/BANK is a two-function key that can be used for bank selection
or for accessing “second” functions, e.g., LOCK and UNDO.
Pressing the /BANK button delegates the numeric keypad to
single-digit bank selection, and delegates buttons with second
functions to the second function. The button lights when pressed,
and stays lit until the delegation is completed. Pressing
second time will also terminate the delegation.
Refer to “Learning Effects” and “Recalling Effects” earlier in this
section for use of the BANK button, and to the LOCK and UNDO
headings for use of the (second) function button.
LRN is used for storing or “learning” the Current Switcher State as
a single keyframe (on each enabled level) in an register, or for
learning a register sequence.
Refer to “Learning Effects” earlier in this section for learning
switcher data into E-MEM registers, and to the SEQ button
description for learning a sequence of registers.
In a multiple-keyframe effect, a LRN MOD operation is used to
change register header information, such as Auto Recall on/off
status, Effects Dissolve rate or on/off status, DPM Effect Number,
and Source Hold. The LRN MOD operation is described in the User
Guide and under the heading Learn Modify on page 2-84 of this