Wipe Menu
The following selections are available through the Wipe Pattern
M/E 1 PRI — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft knob to the
M/E 1 Primary Wipe Generator.
M/E 1 SEC — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft knob to the
M/E 1 Secondary Wipe Generator.
M/E 2 PRI — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft knob to the
M/E 2 Primary Wipe Generator.
M/E 2 SEC — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft knob to the
M/E 2 Secondary Wipe Generator.
M/E 3 PRI (3000-3 only) — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft
knob to the M/E 3 Primary Wipe Generator.
M/E 3 SEC (3000-3 only) — Delegates the PATTERN SELECT soft
knob to the M/E 3 Secondary Wipe Generator.
PATTERN SELECT — Selects a wipe pattern from the pattern
menu for use by the currently delegated wipe generator.