
Chapter 8 Advanced Copy Management
8.2 Functions in the Action Area for Advanced Copy
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The following shows the recommended drive configuration of the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2:
- A mirroring pair should be distributed over drives that are connected to different SAS cascades (*1).
*1: The "SAS cascade" indicates the DEs that are connected to a single BRT port.
Same SAS cascade:
DE#x0, DE#x1, DE#x2, DE#x3 (x: 0 - F)
DE#x8, DE#x9, DE#xA, DE#xB (x: 0 - F)
[Example] SAS cascade for Port#0 of the BRT#0/#1: DE#00, DE#01, DE#02, DE#03
[Example] SAS cascade for Port#1 of the BRT#0/#1: DE#10, DE#11, DE#12, DE#13
The procedure to create an REC Disk Buffer is as follows:
1 Click [Create REC Disk Buffer] in [Action].
2 Specify the REC Disk Buffer detailed information, and click the [Create] button.
Input a RAID group name to be created.
The following input conditions apply:
- Up to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols (except ", (comma)" and "?")
- Space
Controlling CM
Select the controlling CM and CPU of the RAID group that is to be created.
"Automatic" and the installed "CM#x CPU#y" in normal status are displayed as options.
- Automatic
- CM#x CPU#y (x: CM number, y: CPU number)
Select "Automatic" for normal operations. When "Automatic" is selected, the CM-CPU that is to be
assigned is determined by the RAID group number. Refer to "Appendix F Automatic Controlling CM-
CPU Setting" (page 1011) for details.
Encryption by CM
Select the RAID group encryption status with the radio button.
- On
Encryption by CM
- Off
When the encryption mode is disabled, "On" cannot be selected.
Checkbox to select drives
Select the checkbox for the drive to be used.
Drives can be selected from the list of drives that is displayed for Tabular or from the drive
images that are displayed for Graphic. Click the Tabular tab to display a list of the drives or click
the Graphic tab to display drive images.
Refer to "Requirements for Drive Selection" (page 362)
to select a drive.