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28.0 Register Map
Table 82 is a detailed memory map showing the specific
memory address of the memory, I/O ports, and registers.
The table shows the starting address, the size, and a brief
description of each memory block and register. For detailed
information on using these memory locations, see the appli-
cable sections in the data sheet.
All addresses not listed in the table are reserved and must
not be read or written. An attempt to access an unlisted ad-
dress will have unpredictable results.
Each byte-wide register occupies a single address and can
be accessed only in a byte-wide transaction. Each word-
wide register occupies two consecutive memory addresses
and can be accessed only in a word-wide transaction. Both
the byte-wide and word-wide registers reside at word
boundaries (even addresses). Therefore, each byte-wide
register uses only the lowest eight bits of the internal data
Most device registers are read/write registers. However,
some registers are read-only or write-only, as indicated in
the table. An attempt to read a write-only register or to write
a read-only register will have unpredictable results.
When software writes to a register in which one or more bits
are reserved, it must write a zero to each reserved bit unless
indicated otherwise in the description of the register. Read-
ing a reserved bit returns an undefined value.
Table 82 Detailed Device Mapping
Register Name Size Address
Value After
Bluetooth LLC Registers
PLN Byte 0E F180h Write-Only
LN_BT_CLOCK_0 Byte 0E F198h Read-Only
LN_BT_CLOCK_1 Byte 0E F199h Read-Only
LN_BT_CLOCK_2 Byte 0E F19Ah Read-Only
LN_BT_CLOCK_3 Byte 0E F19Bh Read-Only
RX_CN Byte 0E F19Ch Read-Only
TX_CN Byte 0E F19Dh Read-Only
AC_ACCEPTLVL Word 0E F19Eh Write-Only
LAP_ACCEPTLVL Byte 0E F1A0h Write-Only
RFSYNCH_DELAY Byte 0E F1A1h Write-Only
SPI_READ Word 0E F1A2h Read-Only
SPI_MODE_CONFIG Byte 0E F1A4h Write-Only
M_COUNTER_0 Byte 0E F1A6h Read/Write
M_COUNTER_1 Byte 0E F1A7h Read/Write
M_COUNTER_2 Byte 0E F1A8h Read/Write
N_COUNTER_0 Byte 0E F1AAh Write-Only
N_COUNTER_1 Byte 0E F1ABh Write-Only
BT_CLOCK_WR_0 Byte 0E F1ACh Write-Only
BT_CLOCK_WR_1 Byte 0E F1ADh Write-Only
BT_CLOCK_WR_2 Byte 0E F1AEh Write-Only
BT_CLOCK_WR_3 Byte 0E F1AFh Write-Only