Chapter 1: How-To: Paragon Essentials
3. Press Tab and the message "Force switch to user port" appears on
the message bar.
4. Type the port number of the desired user station. For example, if you
want to direct the data to the user station connected to the user port
No. 3, type 3 and press Enter.
See Video Redirection (Forced Video) (on page 105) for details.
Case 5. Using Multiple Video Ports
Purpose: To have the access to a specific video port automatically
trigger the video outputs of the other video ports on the same server
(Paragon is designed to output a maximum of 16 video ports of a server).
1. Connect four video ports of the server respectively to four channels
of the same Paragon switch via four CIMs. Three of the CIMs must
be P2CIM-AUSB and one could be either P2CIM-AUSB or
P2CIM-APS2. For example, you may connect them to channel port
No. 1, 2, 3 and 26.
See Connecting CIMs to a Multi-Channel Video Server (on page
85) for details.
The Parago
n administrator sets up the channel association group
using Paragon Manager. Do this:
a. Launch Paragon Manager.
b. Connect and log into the Paragon system by doing this: choose
Session > Connect --> choose the Paragon switch you want to
connect --> type the administrator name/password --> click
c. Create the association group consisting of channel numbers 1, 2,
3 and 26: choose Set up > Multiple Video > New --> type
necessary data --> select four channels 1, 2, 3 and 26 --> click
d. Ensure the channel triggering the video outputs of the other
channels is set as the “first” channel. For example, the
administrator may choose 3 in the First Channel field so
channel No. 3 will be the channel which causes the other three
channels to output their video data.
See Channel Association for Multiple Video (on page 108) and
Paragon Ma
nager User Guide for details. This user guide is available
on Raritan website's Firmware and Documentation section
Any user
who wants to perform the Multiple Video function logs into
the Paragon system. For example, one user uses the user station
connected to the user port No. 2 to log into the system with the
following user name which has no password required.