Chapter 8: P2ZCIMs and Z-CIMs
Support PS2 (P2ZCIM-PS2), USB (P2ZCIM-USB) and Sun
(P2ZCIM-SUN) interfaces
Support up to 42 P2ZCIMs in any mixed arrangement on a Cat5
Span up to 1,000 feet (304 m.) from the user station to the last
P2ZCIM on a Cat5 chain
Cannot be mixed on a Cat5 chain with Paragon I ZCIM—UKVMSPD
P2ZCIM-USB can be used for either Sun USB or PC USB (controlled
by a toggle switch on the back of the P2ZCIM)
“L” models (e.g., P2ZCIM-PS2L) are available, which feature longer
cables 36" (91 cm) for use with cable management arms
P2ZICM-PS2 features local KVM ports
Z-CIMs Features (For Paragon Release 4.4 or Earlier)
For use with Paragon I and Paragon II switches with firmware
release 4.4 or earlier
Support PS2 interface only
Support up to 42 units on a single Cat5 chain
Span up to 1,000 feet (304 m.) from the user station to the last
Z-CIM on a Cat5 chain
Cannot be mixed on a Cat5 chain with P2ZCIMs
UKVMSC Z-CIM features local KVM ports
Paragon II and P2ZCIMs
P2ZCIM installation requires that each server be assigned a channel
name as it is added to the P2ZCIM chain. Server channels are organized
alphanumerically by the assigned names or the default names of
P2ZCIMs—their serial numbers, rather than in the order of their
placement within the P2ZCIM chain. We recommend that users assign
channel names before connecting all servers to eliminate any difficulty in
locating the respective channel for each server. When naming or
renaming a P2ZCIM, switch to that P2ZCIM to activate it, thereby
ensuring that its new name is updated in the Paragon switch's database.