Appendix E: Other Raritan Components Working with Paragon II
When you access the Paragon system from KX II or CC-SG (if the KX II
is managed by CC-SG), the Paragon OSUI login screen appears for you
to log in. See Login (on page 59) for more information.
In this integra
ion, you can perform any OSUI functions implemented with
current Paragon firmware or any KX II function implemented with current
KX II firmware except for the virtual media feature.
When accessing the Paragon OSUI through KX II, DO NOT attempt to
synchronize the mouse manually. A mouse is not necessary on the
OSUI screen and mouse synchronization will delay the keyboard
response for seconds.
Note: User documentation for KX II and CC-SG can be downloaded from
Raritan website's Firmware and Documentation section
Supported Distance for KX II Integration
When using KX II as the front end of a Paragon system, you should
restrict the cable length (distance) for having good video quality.
Supported distance from the Paragon II user station to the target
server is 500 cable feet (152 m). Greater distances may result in
video performance that may or may not be acceptable to you.
Supported distance from KX II to the Paragon II user station is up to
150 cable feet (45 m). For more detailed information, see Dominion
KX II User Guide.