Checks all boot records, files,
It also runs other tasks (such as
LiveUpdate, Registry Cleanup,
Disk Optimization, and Backup)
to provide a high levelof
protection and improve the
performance of your computer.
Consequently, when you run a
Full System Scan with
more files than when yourun it
This scan might take moretime
than the other scans.
Full System Scan
Scans a specific file, folder,
drive, or removable drive that
you choose. You can also create
your own scan and scheduleit
to run at a specifictime.
Custom Scan
Checks for vulnerabilities and
risks, and protects your
computer by running the
following checks:
1 LiveUpdate
1 InternetExplorerTemporary
1 Windows Temporary Files
1 Internet Explorer History
1 Disk Optimization
1 Registry Cleanup
1 Backup
Custom Task
107Maintaining total protection
About responding toemergencies