Symantec 11022527 Computer Accessories User Manual

Your computerdoes nothave a publicIP addressif
it is not directly connected to the Internet.
1 The computer should be connected to a LAN
through a secure connection.
1 ThenetworkcategoryshouldbeprivateinWindows
In addition, thetrust level of a device isShared in any
of the following cases:
1 Whenthecomputeronthenetworkhasoneormore
folders or printers that are shared
1 WhenthecomputerisMediaCentercompatible(for
example, if you have Windows XP Media Center
Edition, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows
Vista Ultimate, Windows 7 Home Premium,
Windows 7 Professional, or Windows 7 Ultimate)
If you use a wireless network that is not secure, the
default trust level of all the devices that are on the
network is Protected.
The trust level of a device also depends on the trust
level of its network. When you change the trust level
of a network, Norton 360 assigns the same trust level
to all the devices that are connected to that network.
However, Norton 360 does not change the trust level
of the devices that you individually trust or restrict.
You can modify these settings if you want to change
the trust level for the following:
1 Your network
1 DevicesthatareconnectedtotheNetworkSecurity
To change thetrust levelof yournetwork
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under DetailedSettings,
click MyNetwork.
Inthe NetworkSecurityMap window, ontheright
side of NetworkDetails, click Edit.
Protecting your homenetwork
About the NetworkSecurity Map