Accessing the Identity Safe menu
view and manage the logins, Identitycards, and notes
that you saved.
You can also access the IdentityProtection of the
Settings window using the IdentitySafe menu
In addition, you can do the following:
1 Navigate toany Website forwhich you havesaved
the login credentials.
1 Submit feedback about your experience with
Identity Safe.
1 Export your Identity Safe data.
1 Import your Identity Safe data from the file you
backed up or from the portable profile.
1 Convert your local vault to online vault.
When youvisitany loginWeb pagewithout settingup
your Identity Safe, a menu bar appears in the Norton
in the menu bar to set up Identity Safe.
Identity Safe menu lets you view the logins that you
saved even afterthe product expires. Youcan use this
option to autofill the login details of the saved login.
As Antiphishing is disabled when the product is
expired, it is not recommended to autofill the login
details. In addition, you can view the Identity
access, or configure all the features in the Identity
Protection settings after Norton 360 expires.
To access yourlogins fromthe IdentitySafe menu
Start your Web browser.
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data