1 Lets you quickly launch the Web site login page
1 Fills in your login automatically when you revisit
Web pages
1 Lets you manually add logins
1 Lets you change the URL of your saved logins
1 Lets you view the last time you made changes to
the settings of your saved logins
1 Lets you view and fill the login details that you
savedfor aWebsite evenafterNorton360 expires.
Toolbar in the Web browser.
TheIdentitySafefeaturesaresupportedinthe Internet
Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome Web browsers.
Norton 360 supports Google Chrome version 10.0 or
Saving logins
Logins are saved when you enter them for the first
time. You can save multiple logins for the same Web
page. You can also save the same login for different
Web pages.
IdentitySafedisplays Saveyourloginforthissite? on
the NortonToolbar. You can provide a name for your
login and select the folder in which you want to save
your login. The folders that you create appear in the
Folder drop-down list inthe Saveloginforsitedialog
After Identity Safe saves a login, it automatically fills
the login details next time you visit the Web site.
You must be loggedin to Identity Safe to saveand use
autofill passwords. If the password or user name field
isblank, IdentitySafedoes notprompt youtosave the
IdentitySafeletsyouviewandfillthe logininformation
that you saved for a Web site even after the product
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data