PC Tuneup detects and fixes common computer
problems, cleans up unwanted cookies and files, and
About disk and file fragmentation
ofinformationthatmakeupyourfiles graduallyspread
overthedisk.Thisprocess isknownasfragmentation.
your disks become.
When a fragmented file is accessed, the disk
performance is slower. The performance is slower
becausethe driveheadlocates,loads,saves, andkeeps
track of all of the fragmentsof the file. If free space is
also fragmented, the drive head might have to track
adequate free space to store temporary files or newly
added files.
Norton360optimizesyourpermanent diskstoimprove
your PC's efficiency and speed. The optimization
process rearranges the scattered file fragments into
adjacent or contiguous clusters. When the drive head
accesses all of the file data in one location, the file is
read into the memory faster. Optimization also
consolidates free space to avoid fragmenting newly
added files. It adds extra space after major data
structures sothat they cangrow without immediately
becoming fragmented again.
Optimizing your permanent disks manually
Optimizing your PC's permanent disks can improve
checks your permanent disks for fragmentation and
optimizes them if they are more than 10 percent
fragmented. You can always check the latest reports
to see if optimization is necessary.
Keeping your PCtuned up
About disk andfile fragmentation