up your smaller files, suchas
your financial documents and
word-processing documents.
If a backup is inprogress, you
should leave your computer
turned on, so that thebackup
can finish. However, if a backup
itstarts, itresumes whereit left
off and continues until it
Norton 360 provides sufficient
online storage to handle many
of your backup needs, andyou
you need it. Nonetheless, the
amount of space in yourSecure
Online Storage is much smaller
thanthe typical permanentdisk
that most recent computers
have. Online backups are ideal
for the files that youregularly
work on. You can backup large
files and the files thatseldom
change to a different location.
In addition, you should
periodically look over the files
that you have in yourSecure
Online Storage. Eliminate those
files that you no longer need,to
make additional storage space
Storage limitations
About online backup activation
Norton 360usesyour NortonAccount tokeep trackof
the following:
1 The computers that you back up to online storage
467Protecting your mediaand data
About online backupconsiderations