About scheduling scans
computer and runs a Full System Scan. However, you
can schedule a Full System Scan according to your
preferences.Youcan alsosetupaschedulefor aQuick
Scan and custom virus scans that you create.
Youcanschedulescanstorunautomatically onspecific
datesandtimesoratperiodicintervals. Ifthescheduled
scan beginswhen youuse yourcomputer, youcan run
the scan in the background instead of stopping your
work. Norton 360 lets you schedule the Full System
Scan, Quick Scan, and custom virus scans. However,
you cannot schedule the Drive Scan, Folder Scan, and
File Scan.
You can also set up Norton 360 to turn off your
computer or move it to sleep mode or hibernate mode
automatically when the scheduled scan is complete.
Scheduling a scan
You have complete flexibility in scheduling custom
scans.Whenyouselecthowfrequentlyyouwant ascan
to run (daily, weekly, or monthly), you are presented
with additional options.For example, you can request
a monthly scan, and then schedule it to occur on
multiple days instead.
360 lets you schedule the Full System Scan and Quick
You can also schedule the scan to run in specific time
intervals (hours or days). You can schedule a custom
scan in the Scans window.
Norton 360 lets you select multiple dates if you
schedule a monthly scan.
To schedule acustom scan
In the Norton360 main window, clickPCSecurity,
and then click RunScans.
Scanning your computer
About Computer Scan