Choose this option to have
only when you start the
backup yourself.
Manual Schedule
Your computer's performance is maximized if you
computer is idle. When you schedule backup weekly
Norton360 backsup yourfiles whenyourcomputer is
atidletime optionto experience better performance
of your computer.
To view orchange abackup schedule
In the Norton360 main window, click Backup,and
then click ManageBackupSets.
Onthe Whentab, underSchedule, selectan option
to view or change the backup schedule.
Click SaveSettings.
Deleting a backup set
You can delete a backup set if it is no longer needed.
You cannot delete a backup set if only one backup set
isavailable. However,you cancreatea newbackupset
before you delete the old backup set.
Whenabackupsetis deleted,theBackupdetailsofthe
files that are included in that backup set also change.
For example, the icon overlays and the Backup tab in
the file properties of the file no longer appear.
to free some space on your Secure Online Storage.
To delete a backup set from your online backup, you
must configure the MeteredBroadbandModeoption
in the MyNetwork window to No Limit. The My
Network option is available in the Settings window.
445Protecting your mediaand data
About backup set