Click OK.
In the Settings window, click Close.
About CPU graph and memory graph
Norton 360 monitors the overall system CPU usage
andmemoryusage andtheNorton-specificCPUusage
and memory usage. Norton360 displays the details in
theCPU graphandthememory graph.TheCPU graph
and memory graph are real-time graphs of CPU
utilization and memory utilization.
The graphs displaya performance time forthe last 90
minutes or for the duration since you started your
computer. The graphs update the information at an
right to left, and the most recent data appear on the
far right of the graph. The blue pattern in the graphs
depictstheoverallsystemusage,and theyellowpattern
are labeled as Idle indicate the idle period of your
computer. The gray blocks include the period when
your computer is in shutdown, sleep, or log out state.
The graphs show a default performance time of 90
minutes. However, you can use the Zoom options to
define a region of thegraph that you are interested to
view or historical data of the graphs. For example, if
you select the 10min option, Norton 360 displays the
magnifiedviewofCPU graphormemorygraphforthe
displays a historical data of the last one day.
When you click at any point on the CPU graph or
memory graph, Norton 360 displays a list of the
processes that consume maximum resources at that
point.It alsodisplaysthe percentageofusage foreach
process.You canclickaprocess thatisavailable inthe
The FileInsight window provides information about
the process such as:
73Monitoring your system'sperformance
About System Insight