Lets you view the loginsand
cards that you have savedin
Identity Safe.
Some Web sites have formsto
fill or require login information.
You can use the IdentitySafe
menu to fill the detailsin those
Web sites. The Identity Safe
menu displays the list ofall
loginsandcardsthatyou saved.
You can select a loginfrom the
list and a use itto log in to the
Web site. You can alsoselect a
card from the list anduse to fill
to manage your logins, cards,
and notes and to accessthe
Identity Protection settings
and delete a login usingthe
Identity Safe menu.
Youshould belogged in to
any of the Identity Safevault to
access the Identity Safe menu.
Identity Safe menu
In Google Chrome Web browser, the NortonToolbar
can be accessed as a Chrome Extension. In the
ExtensionspageoftheChromebrowser, youcanenable
or disable the NortonToolbar, and uninstall the
NortonToolbarfrom your Chrome browser.
If the NortonToolbaris enabled, you can access the
following options:
Lets you browse internet in
in browsing or download
Allow in incognito
361Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data