In the CheckingYourConnection window,click
Ifyou useaproxy servertoconnect totheInternet,
you may be prompted to authenticate. If you are
prompted, then in the ProxySettingsDetected
window, do the following:
1 In the Username box, type the user name that
Proxy settings.
1 InthePasswordbox,typethepasswordthat you
provided when you configured your Network
Proxy settings.
1 Click OK.
If the problem still persists, in the NortonAutofix
window, click the clickhere link.
UnderSupportContactNumbers, selecttheregion,
and then your country to view the contact details.
You can use the contact details to contact the
technical support team.
Staying informed about protection issues
information on the Symantec Web site. It contains
many useful and informative features that are
especially designed to complement Norton 360,
including the following:
1 Detailed background information about current
threats and outbreaks.
1 Newsletter to which you can subscribe.
1 Protection blog that lets you post your own
comments and view comments from experts.
The Symantec Web site is constantly updated and
enhanced, so the available resources may vary.
559Finding additional solutions
Staying informed aboutprotection issues