Symantec 11022527 Computer Accessories User Manual

download, and through inserted floppy disks or other
files, Norton 360 maintains a higher level of security.
Norton 360scans theOffice documentwhen youopen
You can use the MicrosoftOfficeAutomaticScan
option in the Settings window to scan documents of
the following Microsoft Office applications:
Microsoft Wordwinword.exe
Microsoft Excelexcel.exe
Microsoft PowerPointpowerpnt.exe
Microsoft Visiovisio.exe
Microsoft Accessmsaccess.exe
Microsoft Projectwinproj.exe
Norton 360 scans the Office documents and protect
against threats, including virus macros and infected
embedded objects.
By default, MicrosoftOfficeAutomaticScan option,
under ComputerScans, in the Antivirus settings
window is turned off. Turn on this option to scan
Microsoft Office files automatically.
Turning on or turning off Microsoft Office Automatic
Norton 360 maintains a higher level of security by
automatically scanning all Office files. You can turn
on the MicrosoftOfficeAutomaticScan optionto
protect your computer against the virus macros and
embedded objects.
Scanning your computer
About scanning Officedocuments