Turning off or turning on backup setting
Norton 360 provides you various options to manage
your backup settings. Norton 360 backup settings let
you access the backup details of a particular file by
statusicon overlayswithoutopeningthe product.You
can use the icon overlays to view the backup status of
a file or folder. You can also use the Properties page
ofafile toknowthebackupstatus ofyourbackupsets.
When the BackupStatusOverlays optionis turned
on, Norton 360 adds a backup status icon to the files,
based on the following conditions:
1 The files belong to a backup file category that you
included in any of the backup sets.
1 The files are located at a source that you included
in any of the backup sets.
Thefollowingtableliststhebackupstatus overlayicons
for the files on your computer:
Indicates that the file hasbeen
backed up
This icon changes to blueicon
with arrows if you modifythe
Green icon with a check
Indicates that the file hasnot
been backed up
up the file during idletime.
Blue icon with arrows
471Protecting your mediaand data
Turning off orturning onbackup settingoptions