thesecuritylevelofall theWebsitesthatyouvisitand
displays the results in the NortonSiteSafety pop-up
window. Antiphishing also blocks navigation to the
Web sites that are confirmed to be fraudulent.
The NortonSiteSafety pop-upwindow helps you
understand if the Web site that you visit is safe or
You can turn off or turn on Antiphishing in the Safe
Surfing section of the IdentityProtection settings
To turn offor turnon Antiphishing
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under DetailedSettings,
click IdentityProtection.
In the Antiphishing row, do one of the following:
1 To turn off Antiphishing, in the Antiphishing
row, move the On/Off switch to the right to the
Off position.
1 To turn on Antiphishing, in the Antiphishing
row, move the On/Off switch to the left to the
On position.
In the Settings window, click Apply.
Click Close.
Reporting an incorrect evaluation of a Web site
On rare occasions, Antiphishing may report incorrect
evaluation of a Web site.For example, you might visit
a site that you shop with regularly and Antiphishing
might visit a Web site that you suspect is a phishing
site, but Antiphishing reports that no fraud was
detected.In eithercase, youcanreport theWebsite to
Symantec for further evaluation.
The Web site you want to report to Symantec for
further evaluation must be kept open in your Web
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data