can also use these options to empty the spam folder
and to open the Settings window to configure the
nothave aJunkfolder, italsoadds aNortonAntiSpam
folder in the folders area. You can use the Norton
AntiSpam folder to sort and store spam messages.
However, if your email client has a Norton AntiSpam
AntiSpam uses the Norton AntiSpam folder and not
the Junk folder.
The following email clients do not support client
1 Outlook 2010 64-bit
1 Thunderbird
1 Windows Mail
When you classify an email message as spam or
legitimate, Norton AntiSpam lets you send the
misclassified emailmessage as feedbackto Symantec.
You can use the Feedback option to send the
misclassified emailmessageto Symantecfor analysis.
You can also import the list of addresses that are
presentinthesupportedemail programintothe Norton
AntiSpam Allowed List and Blocked List. Norton
once in a day when your computer is idle. However, if
youwanttomanuallyimportaddresses, usetheImport
option in the AllowedList window.
When youopen your email client,the welcome screen
appears. If you do not want the welcome screen to
appear in the future, check the Don'tshowthisagain
option before you click Close. Norton 360 notifies the
successful integration of Norton AntiSpam with your
email client.
Norton AntiSpam also automatically importsthe lists
283Keeping secure onthe Internet
About Norton AntiSpam