connects to Symantec servers to ensure complete
toomuchofyourInternet connection,youcanrestrict
the Internet usage ofNorton 360. Metered Broadband
Mode helps you manage the data transfer between
Norton 360 and your adapter.
To connect to the Internet, Norton 360 accesses the
gateway through an adapter. The adapter is present
connecting devicecan bea 3Gphone, anInternet data
card, or a wireless network card. Metered Broadband
Mode lets you set up a policy for each adapter that
Norton 360 uses to connect to the Internet.
Youcan setupone ofthefollowing policiesforeach of
the adapter that Norton 360 uses to connect to the
1 NoLimit
LetsNorton 360use thenetworkbandwidth thatis
required to ensure complete protection. Symantec
recommends that you apply this policy.
1 CriticalUpdatesOnly
LetsNorton 360accessthe Internetonly toreceive
critical productupdates orvirus definitions.If you
have a limited Internet connection, you can select
the CriticalUpdatesOnly optionto ensure
protection from different security threats.
1 NoTraffic
Lets you block Norton 360 from connecting to the
Internet. If you choose this policy, Norton 360
cannot receive critical virus definitions and
program updates, which can lead to potential
dangers and virus attacks.
Turning off or turning on Metered Broadband Mode
You can set up policies to restrict the Internet usage
of Norton 360. If you do not want to restrict the
297Keeping secure onthe Internet
About Metered BroadbandMode