Symantec 11022527 Computer Accessories User Manual

program and measure the performance of your
computer the next time you start your computer.
Norton 360 delays the start of the delayed programs
by five minutes. The first delayed program in the
StartupManager window, starts five minutes after
you start your computer. Every subsequent delayed
program starts with a further delay of 10 seconds.
When you uninstall orif your Norton 360 expires, the
programs that you had added to the Startup Manager
are reset to their default startup setting.
Sometimes, you may see some startup programs
missing from the startup list. Norton 360 removes a
startupprogramfromthelistforthefollowing reasons:
1 When you disable a program that has a startup
1 Whenyouupdateaprogramthatcanpossiblyreset
all startup settings to default.
1 When you use another program to manage your
startup programs.
1 When you edit the registry keys manually.
Toaddastartupitem,youcanopenyourStartup folder
that isavailable in yourWindows Start menu and add
programs in Windows Startup, go to Microsoft
Technical Support Web site or Windows online Help.
Disabling or enabling startup items
Whenever you start your computer, there are some
programs thatautomatically start and runin parallel.
These programs are called startup items. The startup
items increase the start time of your computer.
Startup Manager helps you manage the startup items
of your computer efficiently. If you do not want a
programtoautomatically startwhenyouturnon your
computer, you can disable the program using Startup
Manager. You can also delay a startup item that you
want to start at a later time.
Keeping your PCtuned up
About Startup Manager