These viruses attach
themselves to the system
areasofyourPC andbecome
active as soon as yourPC
starts. They can attach
themselves to disks or other
storage devices that is
360 scans the system areas
boot viruses.
Boot viruses
These viruses use the
techniques of both boot and
file infector viruses. Norton
360 scans for such viruses
and eliminates them.
Multipartite viruses
These viruses attach
themselves to the data files
that contain executable
components, such as some
spreadsheet, presentation,
and word-processing files.
when a program runs the
executable portion of a data
file. Norton 360 scans data
files for macro viruses and
removes them.
Macro viruses
Norton 360 scansyour PC forboth known viruses and
unknown viruses.
Knownvirusesareautomaticallydetected andrepaired.
Unknown viruses are detected by analyzing each
executable file for various characteristics common to
itself over the Internet to expand and refine its list of
known viruses.
Understanding alerts andmessages
Types of viruses